Globe Valve Manufacturers in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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Gear Operation-applied force exceeds 350N

Limit Switch Arrangement

Electrical & Pneumatic Arrangement

Lantern ring arrangement for Vacuum service

IBR Certified

NACE MR 0175 & MR 0103

Position indicator

Locking Arrangement

Extended Stem


Design and Manufacturing : BS 1873 / ASME B 16.34 (2”≤ 24”) & API 602 / ISO 15761 (FOR NPS < 2)

Inspection and Testing : API 598, BSEN 12266 Part – 1 & 2

End Flanges Dimension : ASME B 16.5

BW End Dimension : ASME B 16.25

Face to Face & End to End Dimension : ASME 16.10, BS 2080

Gasket Design : ASME B 16.20

Handwheel Construction : Rising & Non rising Handwheel.

Globe Valve manufacturers in Ahmedabad


All Globe Valves utilize the “port closure” concept of valves. By this it meant that fluid passes through a specific opening (rather than a general passageway, as in the case of gate valves), and the fluid is controlled by means of a stem-mounted disc or inserted plug in that area. Despite of lacking the straight through, unobstructed passageway of the gate valve, these globe types are superior in two key aspects – throttling and serviceability under frequent use. They are better at the throttling function because they permit fluid to exit uniformly around the circumference of a seat, rather than “slicing” down to limit passage through a narrowly restricted area.

Body & Bonnet

Bodies and bonnets are high quality cast and afterwards precisely machined, directing the attention to prevent stress concentration. Bonnets are made either of one piece only –the yoke then being an integral part of it – or have two pieces, depending on the size of he valve. This ensures the perfect alignment with the body what leads to an accurate opening and closing. Bodies of globe valves are designed considering the same characteristics as gate valves, which in this case means that the disc is guided in bigger valve sizes or high pressure service in order to avoid vibrations and betterseat.


All Jayant gate and globe valves have backseat threaded in the bonnet, or for the pressure seal valves, welded to the bonnet.The hard facing is Stellite 6 or equivalent.


The stems of Jayant globe valves are forged from one piece and ACME threaded, then mechanized and finally provided with a smooth finishing in order to minimize friction.

Body & Bonnet Gaskets

The design of the body-bonnet gasket varies depending on the class of the valve. Class 150 to 600 globe valves consist of a circular male-female connection with a graphite or spiral wound gasket. Class 900 and above globe valves consist of a ring type joint. In pressure seal designs the sealing is achieved through a gasket that takes advantage of the internal pressure of the line.The material most commonly used is high-purity graphite being located between the body and the body retainer ring.

Materials Of Construction

Body A216 WCB/WCC A 352 LCB / LLC A 217 WC6/WC9/C5/C12 A 351 CF8/CF8M/CF3/CF3M/CF8C
Bonnet A216 WCB / WCC A 352 LCB / LLC A 217 WC6/WC9/C5/C12 A 351 CF8/CF8M/CF3/CF3M/CF8C
Seat Ring A216 WCB / WCC+13%Cr. A 351 C F8 A 217 WC6/WC9/C5/C12+13% Cr/A 217 CA 15 A 351 CF8/CF8M/CF3/CF3M/CF8C
Plug A216 WCB + 13%Cr. Facing A 351 C F8 A 217 WC6/WC9/C5/C12+13% Cr. A 351 CF8/CF8M/CF3/CF3M/CF8C
Spindle A 276 TP 410 A 276 TP 304 A 276 TP 410 A 276 TP 304/316/304L/316L/321
Gland Flange A 105 / CS A 105 / CSA352 / LCB / LCC A 105/CS/217WC6/WC9/C5/C12 A1053/CS3/A351 CF8/CF8M/CF3
Back Seat A 276 TP 410 A 276 TP 304 A 276 TP 410 A276 TP 304 / 316 / 304L /316 L /321
Gland A 276 TP 410 A 276 TP 304 A 276 TP 410 A276 TP 304 / 316 / 304L /316 L /321
Joint Stud A 193 B7 A 320 L7 A 193 B16 A 193 B73 / B8
Joint Stud Nuts A 194 2H A 194 7 A194 7 A 194 2H3 /8
Gland Stud A 193 B7 A 320 L7 A 193 B16 A 193 B73 / B8
Gland Stud nuts A 194 2H A 194 7 A194 7 A 194 2H3 /8
Gasket Spiral Wounded ss 316/3161 /304I 321 with Grafoil filter
Stem Packing Braided Graphite and Die Formed Graphite ring
Yoke Sleeve SG Iron / A439 Gr.D2 / Bronze
Hand Sleeve Below 2″= Malleable lorn & Above 2″ SG Iron / Fabricated Steel


Live Loading Arrangement
Live Loading Arrangement
locking arrangement
limit switch arrangement
Limit Switch Arrangement
vacuum seal arrangement
Vacuum Seal Arrangement
gear box arrangement
Gear Box
position indicator arrangement
Position Indicator Arrangement
electrical actuatot arragement
Electrical Actuator Arrangement
pneumatic cylinder arrangement
Pneumatic Cylinder Arrangement
RTJ Flange end
RTJ Flange End
buttweld end
Buttweld End
parabolic plug
Parabolic Plug
regulating plug
Regulating Plug
guided plug
Guided Plug

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